
You have found my little corner of the web, somehow. Here you will find rants, blog posts and poetry, on the left. You will find links to great music, Mastodon posts, and information on Works in Progress (WIPs) above. With the buttons on the right, I will put other stuff that I think is cool.

Please bare with me whilst this site undergoes a massive overhaul. I am condensing multiple pages into one, for ease of navigation, and aesthetics. I am simplifying a few pages from a backend point of view, to make them easier/mor enjoyable to update. I have removed a major link from the navigation bar, so that I can focus more on the things that I enjoy, which has predominantly been adding to the 'Rants' section, which has now joined forces with this homepage (links on the left).

The individual Works in Progress pages do contain a small amount of information on each project, and I am in the process of migrating that information over, to fill in the placeholders that are currently in the new WIP page above.

I hope that you enjoy your stay