A dystopian future.

Follow this eclectic group of characters in an overpopulated, under fed city, as they fight for their physical and digital freedom.

Characters range from:

Delivery driver,


Biowarfare survivor,


AI vehicles,

rebel fighters, and more.

All characters have a loosly connected story arch, centered around a single character, who is only ever referred to, but never met by the reader. Due to events occuring before the start of the book, this central character is currently serving life in prison, as is a sort of martre that inspires the others to action.

The main jist is that the internet costs have been ramped up so significantly to try and throttle its use, that the bulk of people in the city are forced to leave, due to sudden loss of work. Small companies are trimming the fat, sole traders cant afford to trade, and startups are snuffed out overnight by an 100 fold increase in overheads. Only the rich stay comfortable as civil unrest erupts in the streets.

I am about half way through a first draft. This story is on track to becoming an 80,000 word novel.