A science fiction about a soldier, named Nave, who has managed to pull together a small crew to respond to a distress beacon.

The distress signal is familiar, and it is believed to be members of an old platoon of Nave's.

The ship is struck down by lightning on atmosphere entry, and crash lands. The rescue team find remnants of other rescue parties from many parts of the galaxy, as well as many corpses.

The lightning strike was no accident. The distress beacon is synthesised, used as a trap to lure people to the planet, where the planet feeds off of their energy until they die. Their disappearance further lures more rescue attempts, and the cycle continues.

The rogue planet moves itself across the universe, so that its coordinates cannot be tracked and blacklisted.

Our hero however, after losing all of her crew, does find a way off-planet, by effectively holding the planet's core to ransom.

The first draft of this story is finished! It's very basic, so far. I want to focus on adding emotion and atmosphere in the next passthrough.